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API Health check

TThe AirGap wallet API check functionality allows users to check the health of the node and the explorer that the wallet is using for each crypto. This feature is useful for helping users know the state of the node and the explorer.

How to use the AirGap wallet API check functionality​

To use the AirGap wallet API check functionality, follow these steps: Open the AirGap wallet application on your mobile device. Navigate to the "Settings" menu. Select the "API Health Check" option. Wait for the app to perform the check. View the results of the check.

Understanding the results​

When you perform an API check, the AirGap wallet will communicate with the node & explorer for all cryptocurrencies and check its health. The results of the check will be displayed in the app. If the node or explorer is functioning properly, the app will display a green icon as shown in the image above indicating that the node is healthy. If the node or explorer is not functioning properly, the app will display a red icon indicating that there is a problem with the node. In this case, you may need to contact the support team so as to check our infrastructure.