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Create Multi-sig accounts with AirGap

Multi-signature(multi-sig) accounts offer enhanced security and control by requiring multiple signatures from different parties to authorize transactions.

In a multi-signature setup, a predefined number of authorized parties, often referred to as signatories or cosigners, must independently approve a transaction before it can be executed. This requirement introduces an additional layer of security, making it more difficult for malicious actors to compromise the account.

AirGap Vault does not natively offer support for multi-signature functionality. However, users have the option to leverage third-party multi-signature wallets in conjunction with AirGap.This allows users to utilize AirGap Vault to sign transactions while concurrently creating and administering multi-sig accounts.

Currently, AirGap is compatible with SAFE on the Ethereum blockchain and TzSAFE on the Tezos chain. For detailed instructions on setting up both wallets, refer to the step-by-step guides provided below.

Multi-sig WalletSupported blockchains with AirGap VaultSetup guide
SAFEEthereum (ETH)SAFE Setup Guide
TzSafeTezos (XTZ)TzSafe Setup Guide