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How to import your wallet from Ledger to AirGap

Ledger does not provide a way to recover your seed phrase if you do not back it up, but they do provide a way to check if the backed-up seed phrase is the correct one. You can verify your seed phrase by following the guidelines listed here: I lost my 24-word recovery phrase – Ledger Support If you do not have access to your seed phrase and would like to move your asset from Ledger to AirGap, Create a new wallet in AirGap by following this guide, and then transfer your funds from Ledger to the newly created AirGap address. If you have your seed phrase you can follow the guide below.

To move your funds from Ledger, import the backed-up seed phrase into AirGap by following the guide below.

Import your recovery phrase from AirGap​

Launch AirGap Vault and Click import recovery phrase

Input your recovery phrase and click the confirm button

Label your wallet and click the confirm button.


A label is a name to Identify your wallet just in case you have multiple of them in AirGap

You’ve successfully imported your wallet from Ledger to AirGap